Can Finance explain the lack of money and the solution to it?
Do not tell me that you are not aware of this! For more than three months now citizens wherever you meet them are crying about being broke and failing to pay their debts and dues.
I do not know in which section of society where this cry is not evident. Maybe within the corridors of power, but elsewhere there is a general outcry. In fact Government workers appear to be the hardest hit. Some of them have gone for moths without being paid. Compare the outcry of the Unites States Government shutdown for 35 days to this!
They tell us that there is no money in the Treasury, so where has the money gone? It appears that the least informed person in the Ministry of Finance is the Minister, Matia Kasaijja. He says that the economy has gone, VROOOOM, upwards, while pointing his fingers to the sky. Were that the case, why the suffering?
Somebody somewhere should come up and give the general public the real lowdown as to what is actually happening, instead of us feeding on all types of rumours about who and where the money is going.
Abubaker Ssemanda, Entebbe