Life & Style
Crimes can flow within a family
Crimes can also be hereditary! A crime record may sweep across the entire facility from one generation to another. It is possible that the great grandfather, the more problematic the child was likely to be.
The idea that crime could be in part genetic sounded ridiculous and controversial because most criminologists thought that the root causes of crime are environmental factors such as poverty. The overarching conclusions have been established that genetic influences in life-course persistent offending were larger than environmental influences.
Criminologist, have concluded: that ‘Adoptees who have a biological father or a biological mother who have been arrested previously are significantly more likely to be arrested, sentenced to probation, incarcerated and arrested multiple times. Genes implicated in violence anti-social behavior include one called MAO-A which makes an enzyme which breaks down chemicals in the brain linked to aggression. Rogue versions of MAO-A and other similar genes have previously been found to have the strongest effect when paired with a problematic upbringing.
This science now raises the possibility of genetic testing being used to single out future criminals, potentially allowing them to be arrested before they break the law. Before you get married to someone find out and ensure that they don’t have criminal records in their families. As one adopts children he must ensure that their parents were not criminals.
Decades of research has demonstrated that both genetic and environmental factors play a role in a variety of behaviors in humans and animals. The genetic basis of aggression, however, remains poorly understood. Aggression is a multi-dimensional concept, but it can be generally defined as behavior that inflicts pain or harm on another. Watch out!