Zimbabwean Pastor Ndlovu’s conflicted prophesy

Zimbabwean Pastor Ian Ndlovu
A few weeks ago, there was a posting on social media of the Zimbabwean Pastor, Ian Ndlovu, laying out a prophesy about what was to take place in East Africa. Then only last week, another posting indicated that Ndlovu had amended his earlier prophesy.
In the earlier one, Ndlovu was very categorical. He said that the cataclysmic events that were going to take place would be in one of the East African countries of: Kenya, Rwanda Tanzania and Uganda. But he added that among these, he was not going to pinpoint the country that would be affected.
In that prophesy he said that a popular politician would be assassinated and that this would lead to bloodshed in which the president would be toppled. Speculation ran rife following the events that took place in Sudan, with people here doing their own predictions.
Other media, here, picked it up and started doing their own analyses. Then, Ndlovu sent the video on the social media, specifically now addressing Ugandans, on this issue. It also coincided with President Yoweri Museveni’s visit to Harrare, as a guest of the Zimbabwean leader, Emmerson Mnangagwa, at an agricultural show.
In this other video message, Ndlovu was specific: “The second message I have been given is for Uganda. The spirit of God is telling me that I must give a warning to Uganda; that if they try what happened in Sudan in Uganda, there will be very serious bloodshed… in Sudan people toy-toyed until they removed [Bashir]…. In Uganda they should pray for other methods of creating change, not the one they [wanted of toy-toying on the streets]. It won’t work in that nation.”
While in Harrare, there is no indication that Museveni met Ndlovu. And Ndlovu in his video message said that, “The good thing is that I am not a Ugandan, so nobody will say I am supporting anybody. I am just speaking what I have seen in the vision. I saw very serious blood on the streets ….”
At home here, this was prototyped by the Metropolitan Orthodox Archbishop, Jonah Lwanga, who, in his Easter message, decried human rights abuses “until the NRM is dissolved… I say this prophetically.” Museveni subsequently visited the Orthodox Church offering money for its development.
Ndlovu’s amended prophesy came in the wake of, and preceded the arrest of the People Power leader, Musician-Parliamentarian, Robert Kyagulanyi, a.k.a Bobi Wine. The Police stopped him from performing at his lakeside resort of Busabala during the Easter weekend on the claim that he had not sought Police authorization to hold the gala.
At one occasion, Constitutional Affairs Minister, Kahinda Otafiire, said that the NRM will not allow musicians to come to power. This dictatorial utterance goes counter to the claim of democratic practice. The uncharacteristic emergence of an unusual political Bobi Wine is a direct consequence of NRM’s national failure. Such has happened in Ukraine where a comedian became president defeating incumbent political president. That there is nothing is impossible for God is a reflection of the Biblical story in 1 Samuel 15, 16 of the rise of David from shepherd and harpist (musician) to replace (politician) King Saul.
While subsequently visiting the Kasangati Muslim leader, Sheikh Suleiman Lubega, Museveni castigated “anti-progress assemblies … of illegal processions as destabilizing.” He warned anyone “tired of life” over these. This was an allusion to the “bloodshed” the preachers referred to.
The underlying issues in Ndlovu, Lwanga and references to bloodshed and human rights abuses concern the sensitive problem involved in the on-coming 2021 general elections. Recent conflicting reports from policy and legal authorities of Otafiire and Deputy Attorney General, Mwesigwa Rukutana, differ on the preparedness of the Electoral Commission to carry out the poll. It was only cleared this week, when Museveni, unequivocally averred that the poll would take place as scheduled.
But he put a rider that there were “still some small pending” issues, which would be ironed as the time nears. It is emerging that there is a move afoot to extend the age at which a person is eligible to stand for presidency to 45 years of age. This would effectively bar Bobi Wine from contesting.
There is also the problem of another Constitutional Review Commission; and changing the electoral system to be Parliamentary, other than presidential. It may not be possible to finalize these “small issues” before the 2021. It means that the MPs will require an additional tenure to this tenth Parliament.
Looking at this political horizon, Opposition politicians, smell a rat at what the NRM regime is up to – gagging the opposing while illegally extending its tenure. Thus Bobi Wine’s activism, the legitimate freedom of assembly and expression are on the line.
The voters, who are supposed to hear and consult the politicians and judge for themselves, are being prevented from this, with the excuses of illegal assemblies and processions. This has now been perambulated to the freedom of the press. The Uganda Communication Commission’s Executive Director, Godfrey Mutabazi, has now adopted the political mantle of silencing opposition. With the Mutabazi’s orders, the NRM is forcing on the electorate only what they want them to hear – and not what the people should hear – for instance, on what Bobi Wine, or some other politicians have to offer to the people.