AU: African leaders should answer their peoples, not Tweeting Trump
A fortnight ago, during a session with his Congressional leaders on both aisles, US President Donald Trump, made disparaging remarks about El Salvador, Haiti and African countries. The session was to address the issues of immigrants to the US, who Trump wants to get rid of and restrict the entry of those wanting to migrate to the US.
What angered African countries, whose response was through the African Union (AU), was Trumps’ referring to African counties as shi*thole* a lewd remark that does not befit coming from the mouth of such a leader. Nevertheless, the remark can be said to be a reference to how callously African leaders are treating their citizens.
In a recent book authored by British journalist, Tom Burgis, with a headline – just of- the map of Africa, he lambasts African leaders with involvement with looting Africa, being assisted by all kinds of misfits from the Western world posing as “helpers” of Africa.
These thieves, smugglers, drug traffickers, conmen, money launderers and all kinds of unsavoury characters have descended on Africa at the behest of its leaders.
They have wrought poverty on Africa on a massive scale. As a result, African leaders have become excessively rich on the backs of their peoples. They should know that the poverty, disease and illiteracy they have visited on their peoples, is an unpardonable injustice.
It is the inadequacy that is making people ran away to seek shelter in the US and EU countries, facing, for instance, drowning in the Mediterranean; and modern-day Arab slavery from Nor