Life & Style
Kansiime and Akothe Kenya on why they shun media interviews

Kansiime and Akothe
Celebrated comedian Ann Kansiime and Kenyan star Akothe Kenya aka Madam Boss have revealed why they are no longer friends with journalists.
Through a social media post, Kenyan comedian revealed that during the times she visited radio and television stations for interviews, she only received negative energy from presenters.
“Reasons you haven’t seen me on TV or heard me on radio is because, I don’t want to continue collecting imaginary enemies. I have enough so arms length..,” Akothe said
“Problem is not the stations, problem is the people inside the stations. They forget that that’s someone’s investments and take it personal..,” Madam boss added.
Ann Kansiime who dropped Media interviews two years back came in to support Akothe’s view with a comment:
“Same here, stopped giving those unhappy people a chance to ruin my story.”
In 2019, Comedian Ann Kansiime told journalists that she would only allow to be interviewed if Journalists facilitated the interview.
“….Me I’ve surrendered, journalists forget. In fact the next time you want Ann to answer any question or give you content. First of all meet me where I am, facilitate me for my content and then be ready to leave that content with me,” she said.
It is worth observing that the two stars have reached a point where they no longer depend the power of the traditional media to access their fans.
This is so because thanks to their hardwork and the broad reach of social media platforms allows them to have direct contact with their fans.