Dr. Kiyingi for President in 2016

What’s Kiyingi’s Motivation?
Kiyingi alleged that the purported links to the Allied Defence Force (ADF) rebels are meant to scare him from challenging President Yoweri Museveni in the forthcoming presidential elections in 2016.
Early this week, I have no links with ADF and never been involved in terrorist activities.”
According to reliable sources, Dr. Kiyingi called Radio one on Thursday morning to clear the air about the allegations.
Kiyingi added: “The Government is behind these ridiculous accusations to try and scare me from ousting Mr. Museveni in 2016. Am not threatened and Am prepared at any cost to lead the people of Uganda to freedom.”
Dr. Aggrey Kiyingi was tried and acquitted by court in 2006 for the alleged murder of his wife Robinah Kayaga Kiyingi.
The lengthy court trial inflicted enormous emotional and financial damage on Kiyingi. His company Dehezi International, folded following the end of the trial.
Some observers however view Kiyingi’s decision to run against Museveni as motivated by the desire to hit back against those he considers to have engineered his grueling and painful court case.
Lubaga South MP John Ken Lukyamuzi said: “If he truly wants to contest without resorting to use of arms, I support him 100%. What we want is to have a fight at the ballot box and not in the bush as Museveni seems to suggest by bringing up the Public order management act,”
Regarding the personality of Dr. Kiyingi, Lukyamuzi said: “I know him to be a patriot. If he comes and we work together as joint opposition, I will welcome him.”
Uganda government’s spokesperson Ofwono Opondo on the other hand said that Kiyingi should present his own agenda for Uganda and not be motivated by the desire to simply oust President Museveni.
Opondo said: “He’s a free Ugandan, that is if he has not renounced his Australian citizenship.
To the best of my memory, at some point, he was holding an Australian passport. He needs to read the Ugandan constitution which prohibits anyone holding dual citizenship to hold important offices such as for President, Attorney General among others. He may have to denounce his Australian citizenship.
Opondo added: “But about claims that he’s sponsoring rebellion, I have not corroborated evidence from security, but even if he did, this would not bar him from standing.
He’s free to stand. Our laws presume anyone as innocent until proven guilty.
There is a precedent on this already in the Besigye vs Uganda case where Dr. Besigye still managed to run for president despite the fact that he was facing allegations of supporting armed rebellion.”