More than 86% of businesses and organizations uses AI by 2025
By 2025, more than 86% of businesses and organizations will use AI, and data utilization will reach 80%; AI services will be everywhere, creating an intelligent world that will reveal endless vistas of opportunity, according to a research by Huawei, a global leading ICT solutions provider.
The latest research titled Global Connectivity Index (GCI), shows that to most countries in Sub Saharan Africa(SSA) have embarked on the road to a digital economy, but they are at different stages of this journey. The bulk of the SSA region countries lie at the start of the digital economy transformation road. To tap into the inherent value of technology and ICT particularly for its people and businesses, SSA region countries must establish and complete the foundations including ubiquitous broadband, national data centers and cloud technologies.
To create a platform for businesses and organizations to exchange ideas and stake their claim in the intelligent world, Huawei is going to hold HUAWEI CONNECT 2018 from October 10th to 12th, 2018 in Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Centre, China. This event will be joined by the best minds in the industry – including global ICT leaders, industry experts, and ecosystem partners – to chart the way forward and explore new opportunities.
Chen Zhijun, president of Huawei Enterprise Southern Africa Region, said, human society is at the threshold of a fully connected, intelligent world, businesses and organizations need to find the right path to make the most of this intelligence.
“The door to the intelligent world is opening. To avoid being left behind, every developer needs to know where AI is heading, how to extract value from it, and keep moving forward. AI is ushering nations, organizations and businesses into a golden age of competence, creativity, and productivity. To seize the opportunities, businesses and organizations need to proactively activate intelligence for their growth and long term prosperous.” Chen said.
At HUAWEI CONNECT 2018, participants will be able to dive deep into industry trends and share ideas with industry leaders; Learn about Huawei’s AI strategy and full-stack solutions for all scenarios, which help businesses and organizations go intelligent to seize opportunities and increase efficiency; explore new advancements in technology and digital solutions, and share innovations and best practices in AI, cloud, 5G, IoT, and video; Discover new ideas, prospects, partnerships, and business opportunities.