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Ministry of health

Lukwago to represent Bajjo events in court over Kyarenga extra shows


Lukwago to represent Bajjo events in court over Kyarenga extra shows

Kampala Lord mayor council Erias Lukwago has vowed to set up and supervise a formidable legal team that will help get justice for Bobi Wine and fire Base crew members and see them grace the stage again for musical performances.

Through the legal team, Lukwago is set to urge out enforcement of rights and freedom that has been threatened by the Uganda police force.

The decisions have been taken after Events Promoter Andrew Mukasa’s handing in a file to Lukago requesting him to represent them in courts of judiciary regarding to what happened to the Kyarenga extra shows.

Police arrested Bobi Wine with his promoters Abytex and Bajjo amidst teargas and live bullets on Easter Monday at one love beach in Busabala



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