Stories By Isa Senkumba
Isa Senkumba
Minister Mao: Is Electoral Commission ‘Too Weak’ for Fair Elections?
March 22, 2025Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister Norbert Mao has criticized the Electoral Commission for its weakness over...
Isa Senkumba
Is blood still thicker than water?
October 24, 2022Family cohesion continues to dwindle and break down as people start looking at family as last...
Isa Senkumba
Why a few Ugandans can afford the luxury of celebrating Independence Day
October 12, 2022The word independence simply reminds me of three things, ‘growing up’, ‘taking on responsibilities’ and ‘having...
Raising kids by a couple that is stuck to their religions
September 11, 2022They say love is unconditional, knows no boundary and seeks no reason. In the same line...
Isa Senkumba
Is it FAIR to present the dead before a public court?
September 7, 2022Right from the onset, there are two things we shall all agree to. The first being...
Isa Senkumba
Melting under the heavy weight of love
August 7, 2022There is always that time when someone comes, holds your hand and says let’s go. And...
The Other Side of the Coin
Professional Journalism is needed more than ever before
July 10, 2022Currently everyone is an eyewitness and therefore everyone is a journalist. This means that the traditional...
The Other Side of the Coin
It’s easier for Uganda to borrow than control wasteful expenditure
June 20, 2022A new budget has been passed and read. For starters, the national budget is the single...
Isa Senkumba
You can’t make poor men useless and expect rich men to be faithful
June 8, 2022And that’s an economic fact In an attempt to study the human sexual selection, psychologists David...
The Other Side of the Coin
Soaring crime makes it safer to sleep in the bush than at home
June 5, 2022There was a time in our country when it was safer to sleep in the bush...