Nigerian President should wake up on the nation’s Muslim children

Nigerian President Muhammad Buhari
I cannot believe what I am hearing. In the northern Nigerian city of Kaduna, they have discovered Muslim schools, madrasas, where young boys are mistreated beyond your imagination. Instead of teaching the young boys good Muslim manners and the Quoranic religion of Allah and prophet Muhammad, (SAW) they are torturing the children, ostensibly as a matter of education.
One young boy is reported as saying that as a form of punishment, they are suspended from the ceiling for a whole night – and more. Another said that they are even, first of all left to go and sleep; and then the so-called teachers go beating them as punishment. What kind of people are these?
Where do they get their teachings from for I know it for a fact that they are not from the Quran and neither are they from the teachings of Prophet Muhammad. Are they teaching Islam or they are teaching their own version which is not from Allah?
President Muhammad Bouhari comes from Kaduna – or is it Kano state. Can he say that he has never before heard of this, up to now? What kind of Muslim is he? How can he let such torture be visited on young Nigerians under his watch as if he is neither a Northern Nigerian nor a Muslim and president of Nigeria?
Let Bouhari punish the perpetrators of these evil acts, and ban all Quoranic schools and instead establish normal schools without any religious distinction. After all, in Uganda here, Muslim children can attend schools of other religious persuasion, if they so wish.
Abdallah Okinei, Bukedea