Guest Writer
Money and numbers

Dr. Kiiza Besigye
Shame upon you opposition politicians, for spending more than three decades climbing Museveni and have spared almost no time to sit and think of how you could unseat that man, peacefully. Shame on you! We today have no bushes where we can go and fight for power. I don’t think it is even necessary. What took you Harvard or Oxford?
Mr. Museveni is wiser than you. You should accept. Most of the things you have been accusing him of not doing, for years, he has done. You wanted roads. He is building them. You once quarreled. The problem was lack of enough power. Today for electricity to go off in Kampala is indeed a miracle.
Now you say there is no freedom here. Freedom is around. Perhaps he has overstayed in power. But I think he has his own reasons. But, if someone says the opposition is disorganized, will he be wrong? He will be right to say so.
Kawanga Semwogerere didn’t uproot Museveni. You may think he no longer stays in Uganda. DPis a completely slumbering party today. Kiiza Besigye came and shouted for two decades. He got tired. Today he looks older than his age. It is true. Those who fight men who are more intelligent than them grow older at an incredible pace.
But when did people in opposition last sit down to talk to voters? They are always running up and down discussing Museveni.Inrural areas Museveni and his party are voted.Protest and look for a sword, sharper than a pen, and hack me if you like but I have told you the truth.
What is happening today shows that Museveni will be president again in 2021. Now you are quarreling because more truth is in front of you on paper. That is the problem with you people. Mention for me any two politicians in Uganda who are abused more than the president of this country. Mention them. You see! Perhaps you can’t. When one so called activist is arrested and he is interrogated peacefully, somewhere, you all rise up and even you run to the white man and you inform him about it.
Whoever is intelligent enough to use his or her head, to study and understand people, knows that Mr. Museveni is today among the most intelligent presidents this world has. You ignore some issues which matter. I wonder. Now, you should sit down and count the number of young men or ladies that once shouted but are today very quiet and too close, today, to president Museveni.
You know these people. You know that they were once so vocal and they attacked Mr. Museveni and his friends whenever they wanted. It is during this regime that most of the politicians bought, or have been given, glittering cars. Your cars are very similar to the limousines that we see in movies made in Hollywood and Nigeria.
Respected man, you say Mr. Museveni has impoverished you?Isn’t it? You are saying so because greed and the thirst for more money,and fame are deep,sitting in your head making it heavy. You are ambitious but, gentleman, think about your health. Health is life. If you worked hard with your hands and you grew rich during this regime,keep quiet. Just tell us. How did you do it? Travel all over this country and convincethe Basoga, the Bagishu, the Banyankole and other people in other tribes.They will bring you to power.
The industry of musichas made some people begin thinking small. When an upcomingmusician buys a car and attains national fame just, you will find him in bars fighting bouncers. Little fame like this makes them proud and arrogant. They die in poverty that is why. Musicians get contented easily. Facebook is weakening us. A post liked three thousand times may make him think he is among the most popular or powerful persons in this country.
You need people that you see with your own eyes, young politician. Instead of fighting wars on social media, sit down and get a dedicated team that will help you start laying strategies, now. Don’t send people on radioand they make noise there and come back and tell you that according to what they are seeing, they are going to take you to the throne in 2021.
That is not how enduring political power is won. Remember your opponent NRM has money. It is not my responsibility to tell you how NRM spends its money but, now let me ask. How much money have you today gathered to help you walk the gruelling journey to 2021 successfully?
Others don’t know. Opportunists are all over Bobi Wine. They are about to suffocate the young man. Isn’t this greed?Isn’t this greed reader?Without money, and people mobilized to vote for you, you are wasting your time opposition. I have told you. Get annoyed if you wish. But who told you that a politician with an experience of over fifty years in politics can be intimidated by noise only, just like that? What can an angry man do with truth? Alright, Next week.