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Kyumakyayesu on his brawl with Simeo Nsubuga


Kyumakyayesu on his brawl with Simeo Nsubuga

Kyumakyayesu speaks out

Kyumakyayesu speaks out

The age-limit talk was greeted with an infamous brawl that saw Journalist and Political Activist, Kyumakyayesu (Pictured), alias, Williams Buganda Ntege, who roughed up daring Member of Parliament (MP) and former Police Spokesperson Simeo Nsubuga in front of crowds during Kabaka’s visit in Mubende District.

Kyumakyayesu who visited The Sunrise newspaper this week was tickled to give his part of the story, and he emphasized that it is not yet over between him and the pro-age-limit Simeo Nsubuga.

Kyuma revealed that he was once a friend of Nsubuga, whom he met 13 years ago when he was a journalist at Wava Broadcasting Service (WBS).

He dismissed the rumours that he was revenging for his camera that the Police destroyed during Nsubuga’s tenure in Police, while he was covering a riot. “He was my friend before and he once gave me a job to film for him a documentary of Katikkiro visit to his home in Kasanda and he paid handsomely,” Kyuma said.

Kyuma explained that he manhandled Nsubuga for masterminding a ‘devil’s Bill’ (age-limit Bill) that he says it risks the death and suffering of Baganda people. In case of any insurgency, Buganda suffers more, citing the countless lives that where claimed during the Luweero Bush war

“I didn’t expect  a man from Buganda to nurse an evil that stands to risk the lives of our people  so, I chose to send a signal to all Baganda through Simeo and I firmly caution them, [Baganda] and Ugandans  not to be hoodwinked by selfish leaders who are breeding war,” Kyuma adds.

He says that the age limit removal has polarized the country because everyone lives in fear of what will come next and it is also scaring away investors. “We are at war; we are virtually on a battlefield fighting against bad leadership and poverty. Age limit removal risks more problem,” Kyuuma added.

He warned that the NRM Government should declare Uganda a kingdom, instead of tinkering with the people’s constitution or instead risk dictatorship. “The people are tired .When a thief is armed and enters my home to cause chaos, I rather die before them I would rather try anything. We are not sure of what will happen next,” Kyuma said.

He says he will stand against Nsubuga if he continues to go against the will of people.

I am being threatened

Kyuma said that he has noted motorcycles and cars with Congolese and South Sudan number plates follow him and parking outside his home at night. He narrates that goons tried to break into his house.

“When I spent the 26 days in Kaweeri Prison in Mubende District, my neighbours told me of unknown people coming near my home and asking for my children’s names and how they look like.”  Kyuma explains.

However, Kyuma noted that he is working with the Police that asked him to report these incidences.



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