Catholic Church vs Bishop Kibuuka:
Cause of Sparks
Critics of the embattled Bishop of the Antioch church in Uganda Fr. Jacinto Kibuuka have warned him to stop performing the seven holly sacraments performed in the Catholic Church.
Kalungu County West Member of Parliament Joseph Ssewungu told The Sunrise that they are not opposed to anyone choosing to practice or change their faith, but rather that they are opposed to the way he continues to practice his faith by using well established traditions such as offering Eucharist.
Recently MP Sewungu, also joined a group of Catholic lawyers including Masaka District Chairman Jude Mbabaali to drag Kibuuka to court for uttering injurious statements against the leaders of the Catholic Church.
The accusers allege that on October 29, 2016 while appearing on Beat FM, Kibuuka “uttered demeaning words against the head of the catholic church in Uganda, Archbishop John Baptist Odama and Archbishop Dr Cyprian Kizito Lwanga referring to them as ‘Abayaye’ [crooks].
But of greater concern, according to Ssewungu is the way in which Kibuuka performs his sermons using edicts and traditions of the Catholic church.
“When you’re ordained as a father, you die as a father. No one can withdraw that from you. Nor can he/she take away your robes. What we are saying is that he must stop performing the seven sacraments of the catholic church since he chose to belong to another faith,” said Sewungu.
He added: “What Kibuuka is doing is illegal because it violates the Penal Code Act Chapters 118 on insulting religion.”
“The other day he offered Eucharist to Otafiire (Kahinda, the Minister for Constitutional Affairs). This is wrong because he left the Catholic church. He gives blessings the same way a father gives blessings.”
Sewungu adds that since denouncing Catholicism, Kibuuka must stop performing any of the following Sacraments; I.e Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Anointing of the sick, Marriage, Holy orders.
Ssewungu says that he has spoken with Kibuuka about those concerns and that he (Kibuuka) seemed to appreciate them, although he is yet to put it in writing, as Sewungu demanded.
Kibuuka sparked controversy when he denounced allegiance to the Roman Catholic Church headed by the Pope and joined the Antioch church, a little known faith.