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Museveni mulls road link between Uganda and Ethiopia


Museveni mulls road link between Uganda and Ethiopia

Ethiopian PM Dr. Abiy receiving the The Pearl of Africa Grand Masters Medal

Ethiopian PM Dr. Abiy receiving the The Pearl of Africa Grand Masters Medal

President Yoweri Museveni has suggested that Uganda and Ethiopia could build a road to connect the two countries if Kenyan authorities grant permission.

“We have agreed to build a road from Karamoja, through Kenya, if the Kenyan government gives us permission, to South Western Ethiopia so that we can do business with Ethiopia,” Museveni said in a statement.

Whereas increasing connections between the African countries would be a welcome move, the idea of a road between Karamoja and Western Ethiopia borders on a wildly dream.

The two countries produce almost the same unprocessed raw materials that do not make a lot of sense to trade. Besides, Karamoja and Western Ethiopia have very poor populations that would make such an investment rather unwise.

Museveni’s comments came on Heroes Day June 9, at Birembo in Kakumiro district in Buganda where the duo commemorated the lives of Ugandans who sacrificed to protect the then NRA rebels.

The Ethiopian Prime Minister, Dr. Abiy Ahmed Ali was on his first visit to Uganda, decorated with the Pearl of Africa Grand Master Medal.

Some observers have suggested however that the trade talks may have been an excuse for the meeting because of more pressing issues between the two countries. Among the most critical issues at the moment are stalled peace talks between the waring factions in South Sudan.

The dispute over the sharing of River Nile is another probable reason why the two countries would want to meet.



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