Born Again leaders clash with ministry over sex education for kids
Born Again Christians have rejected proposed elements into the primary school syllabus that attempt to introduce sex education.
Dr. Joseph Sserwada, the head of the Born Again faith protested the ministry’s move saying that it is meant to corrupt the morals of children.
He said: “We can’t allow sex to be taught in schools. Government has always, through the Ministry of Education, been misusing the words in the framework lying to Ugandans that they are planning to teach sexuality yet they want to teach sex to the young children.”
Serwada says that they have disagreed with the officials from the Ministry of Education unless they change the wording of some of the things. He insisted that a P.3 child should be taught discipline but not sex and that the parents should be directly involved because they spend much time with their children.”
Speaking during a meeting held at the Born Again Faith headquarters at Najjanankumbi with officials from the Ministry of Education, Sserwada lashed out at the Education system in Uganda which he says, intends to takeover the culture, religious norms among other cultural aspects of Ugandans, which he says, they will not accept.
“The Ministry of Ethics and Integrity, Gender and Health should be so much concerned with the child. A child if three years can’t be taught sex, we are not allowing this and we shall fight tooth and nail to make a change. Myself, I used to have showers with my sisters and nothing could happen. Now tell a child of this generation to do so, we shall not allow this to be taught in our schools.” Sserwada insisted.
Ministry of Education officials gave Sserwadda and his group 30 days to come up with an alternative themes to replace the sexuality bits of the syllabus.
Sserwada assured the Acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education Aggrey Kibenge that they will use the thirty days given to them to draft a document.
He also warned them that they won’t be guided by their bosses about what to include in the framework and what to leave out.
Kibenge argued that the conservative approach by some of the religious leaders is to blame for the rising cases of sexual abuses especially committed against girls.
Aggrey cited a recent study that found that the high drop-out rate for girls at all levels is attributed to exposure to sex content in the media including new media platforms such as WhatsApp.
“Look at the situation in the country, children are always on televisions, social media which has spoilt them. We need to tell our children the truth before it’s too late,”said Kibgenge.