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Rotary Uganda in Concert to raise funds for Blood Bank


Rotary Uganda in Concert to raise funds for Blood Bank

Rotary chairman Emmanuel Katongole

Rotary Blood Bank chairman Emmanuel Katongole

Rotary Uganda has organized a concert in a drive to raise 500000USMillion towards the equipping of the Mengo Rotary Blood Bank at Mengo Hospital

The concert that will be hosted at Serena Hotel will see Renowned Saxophonist Kirk Whalum Perform on 7th march 2019 at the Kampala Serena Hotel where the concert’s Proceeds will go towards purchasing equipments that help in testing, packing and processing of blood at Mengo Rotary blood bank.

Dr. Emmanuel Katongole the chairman Rotary Mengo Blood Bank while addressing the press at Kampala Serena Hotel said as Rotary they were touched by the Blood shortages in the country and decided to ease the shortages with constructing another blood bank

“we have a blood shortage in Uganda though we constructed the Mengo blood bank but we still take blood to Nakasero Blood Bank for processing and packing which makes the process difficult that’s why as rotary Uganda we have decided to raises funds and equip the Mengo Blood Bank.” said Katongole

Katongole added that Uganda needs 350000 units of blood but it collects only 250000 units which is a big challenge rooting to raising funds for  buying equipments that process and pack blood at Mengo hospital as it will help relieve on blood shortages in the country.

L-R rotary blood bank chairperson Katongole, MTN CEO Wim vanhellepute, CEO stanbic Bank Patrick Mweheire and the Rotary Uganda President

L-R rotary blood bank chairperson Katongole, MTN CEO Wim vanhellepute, CEO stanbic Bank Patrick Mweheire and the Rotary Uganda President displaying dummy cheques

The main sponsors of the event are MTN Uganda, Stanbic Bank and the Institute for Cooperate Governance Uganda as MTN and Stanbic Bank donated a dummy cheque of 75 million each

While announcing the sponsorship Package MTN Uganda’s CEO Wim Vanhellepute applauded rotary for addressing critical need in Uganda’s health sector

We Believe that concentrated efforts as this go a long way in complementing the government efforts to endure constant availability of safe blood for emergency use and health treatment  Said Vanhellepute.

The Stanbic Bank CEO Patrick mweheire said “we are pleased to be in partnership with Rotary Uganda in this Noble Cause as we come together to raise funds to support the equipping and operational zing the  Rotary blood bank at Mengo Hospital.”

Katongole also added “on 7th march there will also be the launching of the “one drop initiative” where coperate bodies and all individuals will donate blood of any amount.”



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