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Akol is Uncircumcised- Odonga Otto


Akol is Uncircumcised- Odonga Otto

Mp Otto

Aruu county MP, Odonga Otto has claimed the punches he received from fellow legislator Anthony Akol of Kilak North county was from an uncircumcised person

The MPs that were embroiled in a fight yesterday while at Parliament in the lobby have come out to speak on the unfortunate incident with Odonga Otto claiming the punches were from an uncircumcised person

“A person like me who did martial arts for 4years can tell if the punch was circumcised or from an uncircumcised person, but according to Akol’s punch it was too light and you can tell, if he was circumcised it could had been another story” said Odonga Otto

Otto refuted claims that he is the one who attacked Akol but said he just restrained him self as a martial arts student cause he could have made him mourn in pain and he is ready to resign if parliaments CCTV cameras prove that he started the fight

Otto at his Bedside befoire he was discharged

“I didn’t start the fight or fight back as a martial arts student I just restrained myself as it would have cried and mourned in pain like the lord mayor Lukwago, with my training I know where to hit and touch and if the CCTB footage proves i hit him i will resign” said Otto

However Antony Akol refuted the claims saying he didn’t punch Otto but slapped him in self defense and if he had punched him it would have been bad news now

“I didn’t punch him, I just slapped him in self defense after he kicked me in the leg, me am a heavyweight and if I had slapped him it would have been bad news now” said Akol

The legislators misunderstandings are said to have rooted from a land row where Anthony Akol claims Odonga Otto bad mouthed him that he bagged 300 million which Odonga Otto says he speaks the truth and his truth are the source of the conflict



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