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Installation of CCTV cameras in Gulu to start this month


Installation of CCTV cameras in Gulu to start this month

By Wilfred Okot

Gulu to get CCTV Cameras

The exercise of installing Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras in Gulu town shall start this month. Jimmy Patrick Okema, the Aswa River Region Police Spokesperson for revealed.

The cameras are expected to improve on the town’s security as it prepares to become a City by July 2020.

Jimmy Patrick Okema said that the installation equipments had already been procured and currently kept at Gulu Police Station, as they wait for the commencing of the exercise.

“These will help to improve on the security in and outside the town, against the anticipated rising cases of crimes in the region in a short period of time as Gulu attain a city status.” he said

Okema made these remarks while addressing journalists on the status of the region’s security at Northern Uganda Media Club (NUMEC), on Wednesday this week.

He said that the cameras will be majorly installed on different streets, public places and along major roads like the Gulu-Juba road and Gulu-Kitgum road.

He however, declined to tell journalists the exact number of cameras that had been procured.

Camera instalment on public places and roads is one of the president’s ten point security plan that he told members of Parliament while addressing them on the status of the Country’s security in 2018.

Police in Kampala implemented the installation of these cameras and they have played a significant role in curbing down crime, according to the president.

Last year, Police installed 2500 CCTV cameras in greater Kampala with 1900 in April and 600 in July, according to media reports.

The police intend to install a total of 3233 security cameras to cover 2258km in 11 police divisions.
















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