Police arrests Maid for feeding boss’ baby urine

Patrick Onyango
Kampala Metropolitan Police (KMP) Spokesperson Patrick Onyango has revealed that police arrested Vicky Abira a house maid for allegedly forcing her boss’s daughter to take urine.
“Police is going to charge her with spreading dangerous diseases after conducting tests on the child that proved that it had been infected by a urinary tract infection,” Onyango said
Hope Chica the mother of the baby said that she got suspicious after noticing that Abira had kept the baby’s bottle packed with urine in her bedroom.
“I found my baby’s bottle full of urine and when I asked her she confessed that she was feeding my baby with her urine,” she said
Chica added that: “When I took my daughter to the hospital, the doctors found out that my baby had syphilis. I am now trying to treat my child and make sure that she doesn’t get other complications.”
She further added that she always saw these kinds of acts on social media and television and didn’t really think that they were true.
“I have always heard that house helps do these kinds of things, now that it has happened to my child, I even fear maids. I don’t ever want to hire one. I have always treated this girl well but I don’t know why she decided to do such a thing,” she said