Veteran media trainer Patrick Luganda succumbs to COVID-19

RIP Mr. Patrick Muganda
Uganda’s Journalism/ Climate science fraternities have today lost a veteran communications writer and trainer in the name of Patrick Luganda.
Family members have confirmed that Luganda died today at Mulago National Referral hospital after about a week of being treated for COVID-19.
By the time of his death, Luganda had only a few months ago secured a job as the Team Leader for the Global Task Team on User Participation in Climate Outlook Forums(TT-UPCOF) under the Commission on Climatology of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO Geneva).
A longtime advocate of smallholder farmers, Luganda founded a number of entities including the Farmers Media Link Centre, the Network of Climate Journalists of the Greater Horn of Africa (NECJOGHA) that has been gathering and disseminating weather and climate information for use by farmers.
Luganda has died only about 2 weeks since he buried his mother also due to COVID.
More worrying perhaps is that some members of Lugands’s family have reportedly contracted the disease.