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Vote for pro-people leaders


Vote for pro-people leaders

Three of the 11 2021 Uganda Presidential contenders; L-R Yoweri Museveni, incumbent, Nancy Kalembe – the only woman candidate, and Kyagulanyi Ssentamu Robert, the leading opponent to Museveni

There is not doubt that the power to influence resource allocation, make appointments etcetera is disproportionately vested within the presidency in Uganda.

The many excesses that we have witnessed during the current electoral campaigns, have demonstrated that Uganda needs urgent reform to devolve some of the power into lower institutions that interact with the people hence putting power back into the hands of the people as the 1995 Constitution proclaims.

There’s no better opportunity to make this fundamental shift than for each and every Ugandan to get out and vote.

As we have illustrated above, much of the power remains vested in the presidency, partly explained by the bitterly fought race especially between the incumbent Yoweri Museveni and the main challenger Kyagulanyi Ssentamu.

It is important to note that other institutions particularly the legislature or Parliament, are critical in helping the people exercise their power.

Parliament not only makes laws, it approves many of the appointments, debates and passes the budget and also approves loans.

These functions require people who understand the role and place of Parliament in a democracy. In recent years however, we have seen far too many incompetent people elected to Parliament simply because they have bought their way or simply because they made out of this world promises.

Uganda is at a critical junction where it needs to move not just from an old bush mindset to a new dispensation that will empower the majority with right to prevail over their leaders than the other rest round.

One of the key points of agitation especially among young people is absence of opportunities for meaningful jobs and sources of livelihood.

We therefore need leaders who prioritize the interests o young people such as jobs, good health care and security.

Voters must make it clear that the leaders they want ate leaders who will make changes that seek to empower them, either by devolving power or making policies that are pro-people.



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