Kampala traffic mess shows there is no Traffic Police

Traffic boss Stephen Kasiima
In the morning and evenings as you travel in a taxi, the talk on most mobile phones is that there is jam munji. But you do not even have to tune your ears to the phones; just focus your eyes on the road around you. You will observe some very disturbing scenes.
Even when the Traffic Police are nearby, the violations of the road users is appalling. When the Police take them to the sides of the road, what happens is obvious, kitu kidogo.
When you look at the way Bodabodas ride along the roads, you will be forgiven for thinking that they are blind. If you are a pedestrian, you better take great care of yourself; otherwise do not think that they see you on the road. If you do not, do not blame anybody than yourself if you are knocked down.
Moreover, the Police have now accepted that the Bodaboda can overload. I thought that the pillion of the motorbike was for only one person, but the general thing now is that it carries two or three other persons. The Police should now declare that it is legal to carry more than one other person, so that we do not think that it is illegal.
Elizabeth Nakarungi, Luzira Kampala