Is State House Anti-corruption Unit partisan?

Lt. Col. Edith Nakalema
Of late, there have been persistent reports of the State House Anti-corruption Unit going after the corrupt especially in West Nile and Northern districts. This has particularly affected Arua and Lira. There has also been a mention of one district in the West.
Whereas it is a measure of applause for us to note that Lt. Col. Edith Nakalema, is doing a commendable job of fighting corruption, it appears that she is focusing her efforts on a small number of people who are involved in theft. She should not have started to go to the up-country districts, but should have started in Kampala and Entebbe, first.
In fact, she should have followed up with the Parliamentary investigation into the huge thefts in Crane Bank and Bank of Uganda. She should have gone ahead to hold the people responsible for these unpatriotic acts of theft. We have not heard her at all, even trying to follow up on this.
It becomes obvious that she is going after the small fish, the mukene, instead of the huge hammer-headed sharks who are swimming comfortably with the huge loot they have gone away with and hiding in their roofs and other secret places in their palaces. Nakalema is aware of what I am talking about. Unless she does this and she publicizes it, as she is doing about people like, Mike Adoko, we shall not believe that she is actually fighting corruption.
Instead, we shall, think that this is merely a publicity stunt to cover up the big fish who are the main thieves of this country’s funds.
Messelamu Oidu, Lira