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‘Suffered, kept fighting’


‘Suffered, kept fighting’


Toiling away on a hand hoe

Toiling away with a hand hoe

One, “But Bagenda you wouldn’t have said that. That would have remained your secret. Rich men, and women, must not be so many in this part of the world.” Fine, but in me, I feel not satisfied.  I am back again!

This country is older than some of you, here. It cannot stand, and think, to manufacture what I needed when I moved, to go, and mingle with the poorest, near the empire of Madhvani in Busoga!

I pace up down, and talk to myself, sometimes. I see, whenever I look to observe, that someone needs to be encouraged. Now, let’s agree on this: It is now going to be quality work. A musician who sleeps, unnecessarily, will, definitely, be pushed out of this highly competitive market.

Look, it was after climbing highly rocky hills that those boys, in the industry, finally landed on that power that ultimately refueled them, to do what others, who came first, were always afraid to do. You cannot win the war you started if you are not willing to do what the other failure feared to try. Forget about the Mandela freedom, if you fear!

Get up, and let’s move on. For us here, the decision was reached. We are ready to turn up, whenever required, to talk, and preach, again and again, until we see a person’s life changing. I am so determined. I can, because I was tested.

I was tried, for so many years, and therefore know that, together, canpass through all the hard paths and we shall finally be safe from the enemies, who are now doing whatever they can, in their power, to throw us off the way to success road, that the world can laugh loudly, at us.

God is our witness. And this is, truly, our time. The foundations of this earth will be shaken. My friend, no one attained it because he slept more than the rest.

No one is with the luxuries of this life because perhaps his wars were the easiest of all. Some of those men, with huge bellies now, joined the toughest wars and fought alongside the likes of Kaguta Museveni so that you, and the other one, can get the time and the right to speak as others listened.

We shall continue to forget the comfortable beds. Seriously, we are in need of something. There is huge suffering in this world, but, one day,whatwe vigorously seek will appear to us, at the right time. There is nothing impossible

Do no not wring my nose. Do not throw pepper into my eyes. Leave me alone. My tormentor, leaveme alone, because here, we are unstoppable.

Do not bark at the other shabbily dressed boy, for he knows where he is going and, one day,after winning this, he will be welcomed into paradise .

We wore wet clothes in the morning and headed to the isolated fields to practice public speaking. I write because I worked and thought. Hard work,alone, does not pay. Move around, just afew steps from there. See, the ditch digger is sweating. Poor still!

I want it, when I rise up to fight. Now, because I loved it, today well-wishers come and genuflect before being forced. These lines, I know, are widely read. And all ambitious people, here, and there, will read them if we, the world, are to one day accept and praise them, staring at them, while they in the street walking, paying less attention to us. I need peace in those Limousines and Mercedes Benzes.

Belief, in self, is important. Walk up, to those places that your ancestors said were very far.Those places cannot be seen before fighting! Perish the thought that free things are common.We suffered, but kept fighting.

Fighting on, and doing, all the time, we have seen this future. A future that is brighter than we thought. Gather yourself, dust yourself off and throw more punches, my Mayweather. The dollars must come. The purest gold will arrive.

You will, at last, laugh. I sowed my seeds while I sobbing. I ploughed the fields, but the land was so hard. I bent, all the time. The hand hoe got me so tired. I didn’t lose hope. Look, I wanted to see some food on someone’s plate.

I continued moving ahead, while crying, but in me there was hope that even toughest wars are won. Your tears will be wiped and you, also, will laugh.

And this world will cry, “Oh! How did it happen? No easy war but, the hand of God is always there and while we are fighting, It is there to guide us. Stick around.  The struggle continues. Up we go!

Sekka Bagenda is a writer; An inspirational public Speaker and a Sports Scientist

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