Post Bank finally saccumbs to digital bug

Post bank MD Kakeeto (left) launching the App and promotion
It may be one of the financial institutions that had resisted the digital revolution. Now however, Post Bank has finally given in to the digital waves by launching a mobile app.
Dubbed Beyi Powa, the app is being touted as a fast and secure way to carry out transactions.
In a virtual Launch, Post bank’s Managing Director Julius Kaketo said: With the restrictions and strict procedures to stop the spread of COVID19, Post Bank found it paramount to innovate new services to improve the convenience of its customers.
Kakeeto said that with the Beyi Powa app, customers will not have to visit banking halls, which he said lower costs.
He further says that the Post Bank digital banking campaign starting targets 1 million customers and 5m potential customers especially in the rural areas.
“I am delighted to unveil an important marketing communications campaign in our history because of its significance to Post Bank but most importantly, to you our customers who continue to be loyal especially during these difficult times brought about by COVID-19,” Kakeeto says.
He adds, COVID-19 has changed the mode of operation across the world, with social distancing being a core precaution, it is only important that now more than ever Post Bank customers subscribe to digital banking platforms for their safety and that of their loved ones.
In Uganda, COVID-19 has killed 95 people and affected over 9,442 people according to the Ministry of Health (as at October 10th).”
“I am pleased to introduce to you, our new campaign, Digital Banking, Beyi Powa. The purpose of the campaign is to increase awareness about our alternative banking channels, their benefits and their contribution to our transformation journey,” Kakeeto stresses.
Kakeeto explains that Covid19 had a big negative impact on the entire banking sector.
He says that banks failed to engage their customers face to face, yet this is essential for instance when monitoring or inspecting borrowers’ projects.
He adds failure to have face to face engagement that undermime the banks ability to reach its potential customers.
“Now we have invested a lot in terms of planning, time in order to come up with a clear game plan of how we can reach out 5 million potential customers in an additional to our 1.2 million already existing customers”-Kakeeto.
The channels include; PostApp, PostMobile, PostAgent and UnionPay PostCard. These platforms are designed to offer safe and convenient financial services to customers at no extra cost.
Kakeeto noted that, the channels are very easy to transact with since they provide convenience and enable the customer 24/7 to self-serve but most importantly, they are a very safe way to transact today.
Andrew Agaba, the Chief Business Officer, PostBank said, the campaign is a common Ugandan slang which means great price and mirrors the affordability of the bank’s digital channels and products.
“This campaign is premised on the results of a dipstick survey we carried out about these channels early this year, to establish the level of awareness about our digital channels.
Customers form an important part of our business, I therefore urge each and everyone of them to use our digital channels and experience a new way of banking,” Agaba adds