State of the Nation: Up or Down?
June 22, 2018The recent State of the Nation address, delivered by President Yoweri Museveni, drew very sharp responses...
Do not Let Luwum Church House Go to the Creditors
June 21, 2018For quite some time now, the matter of settling the money owed to creditors involved in...
Uganda’s future is in industry – and here is how we can achieve it
June 8, 2018Uganda is currently grappling with a historic paradox – growth without transformation. Uganda is known for...
Who’s to blame for rampant Kidnaps and murder of women in Uganda?
June 4, 2018A week ago I stopped to give a lift to a lady with her baby during...
Age limit case: waiting for On-Notice ruling
May 18, 2018A number of people are running around with their i-phones, showing social media messages to whoever...
Prebendalism suffocating reform in Uganda
May 18, 2018Let us send all top government officials to a sabbatical of two years.Trust me when they...
Who will trust government again?
May 10, 2018The low trust has much to do with the weak institutions that tolerate leaders who tell...
Talk of ‘Steady Progress’: a stale joke
May 7, 2018Consider having to travel in a matatu! If it is not yet full of passengers, and...
We can tame gov’t expenditure to reduce tax burden
April 30, 2018In Uganda and many other countries, increasing government revenue has become a challenging task. The revenue...
‘Corruption will finish us’: Todwong, Opondo, Kasaijja
April 23, 2018(NRM) Deputy Secretary General, Richard Todwong When in Pallisa,nearly a couple of months ago, the National...