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Bebe Cool accused of hypocrisy


Bebe Cool accused of hypocrisy

Bebe Cool accused of hypocrisy

Bebe Cool accused of hypocrisy

When Dizzy Nuts was knocked dead by a car in Kireka, Bebe Cool claimed that they were targeting him and his group.

But a talk with the family of Dizzy Nuts in Bweyogerere claim that, Dizzy Nuts had gone almost berserk and he was even spending days without food but only mairungi and some hard stuff.

Mbu they had never seen Bebe Cool, even once coming to help him, mbu even when he fell sick, no Gagamel group member came to his rescue, something that had turned Dizzy Nuts into almost a loony.

The family claim that Bebe Cool was using the sad occasion to ask for security from the government for his own purposes, they even claimed that Bebe even never knew where Dizzy stayed until when he died. Wama munene munene, is this true?




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