MPs Babirye and Musoke’s Secret Kwanjula
The controversy surrounding the love life of two Members of Parliament hailing from Buikwe district has taken a new controversial twist with the duo’s decision to keep the venue of their Kwanjula a top secret.
The Sunrise has obtained evidence indicating that Buikwe district Woman Member of Parliament Judith Babirye will introduce the love of her life, a fellow MP also hailing from Buikwe district, to her parents come this Saturday July 28, 2018.
Early this week, Babirye released Invitation Cards to the guests for the event that is expected to attract the crème de la crème of the legislature. To the shock of those who were lucky to be invited, the cards deliberately indicated that the venue will be communicated later.
One of those who was lucky enough to be invited revealed that he was told he should dress up and wait for a call from a specific telephone line to direct him to the venue of the introduction ceremony. The drama surrounding the event is not only because the two individuals are politicians but mostly because the two have past relationships they fear could be a roadblock in their pursuit of holly matrimony.
Judith is set to marry Paul Musoke Ssebulime, the MP of Buikwe North, despite warnings by Musoke’s former wife that the ‘Yesu Beera Nange‘ singer would not succeed.
In a video that went viral on social media, ‘Lukia’ who is Musoke’s former wife and the mother of three of his children warned Babirye to get her hands off her man.
But Lukia’s supposed husband Musoke denied he was still involved with the woman. Although he didn’t deny fathering kids with her, he said they have never wedded and so is not barred by any custom.
Babirye is neither spotless. She separated from her Pastor lover by the names of Samuel Niwo a number of years ago. However, rumour has it that Pastor Niwo refused to accept Babirye’s Divorce request. Judith Babirye has one daughter with Pastor Niwo. Niwo recently told friends he wants his wife back, setting the stage for a perfect clash if the marriage ceremony between her and Musoke was to be made public.
Because of the attendant controversy, the MPs have allegedly sought the heaviest protection from the government in order to ensure that the event ends without incidents.
The Sunrise has reliably learnt that Babirye has asked and was given some 20 patrol cars with eight armed officers and two military patrol cars to keep peace at the ceremony.
This wedding will be one of a kind and Rafiki will be glad to congratulate the MPs when they finally pull off this secretive event.