Bobi wine named among the top 100 2018 global thinkers

Hon. Robert Kyagulanyi
Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine the Kyadondo east legislator has been nominated among the 2018 top 100 policy thinkers
Foreign policy.com listed Bobi Wine in the activism and Arts category and among 40 and under most influential people of 2018
According to foreign policy, Bobi Wine has rallied Uganda’s youth by arguing against a proposed social media tax and fighting for the dignity of the poor and his “people Power” campaign continues undeterred.
Upon hearing the news, the legislator shared the news on his social media sites,”I am humbled that the small things we do for our country and our people are appreciated by the world” part of his statement read.
Among those named on the list is the international monetary fund president Christine Laggard, the prime minister of New Zealand Jacinda Adern
The agency is set to release the full list of top thinkers on January 22.