Bebe cool’s Wire Wire Inspired Me-Supreme

Tonny Simba a.k.a Supreme
Twenty two year old Tonny Simba a.k.a Supreme lives in London. Supreme, a rapper, believes he can conquer Ugandan’s entertainment industry with his skills. The Sunrise’s Fahd Kasibante recently caught up with him and below are excerpts:
Q.Who is supreme?
A.My name is Simba Tonny Barna. I was born and raised in London. I am 22 years and I make music – I rap.
Q. Are your parents okay with the career you chose?
A.I guess so
Q.Why are you in Uganda?
A.I am here for music. I love music and I am just creative so I just came over to see what is happening and link up with some producers. I am also the hardest rapper in London so I don’t want to be there. There is no reason to be in the place where you are the best yet the whole world is there for you to conque
Q. Which artistes inspire you?
A. Aah Bobi Wine, Chameleon, Radio and Weasel. I am also inspired by American rapper Drake. I love his rap music compared to his RNB.
Q. Of the Ugandan artistes you have mentioned, none of them does rap music.
A. I don’t listen to rap, I do rap music (he laughs)
Q. Where do you get your inspiration from?
A.From the environment. I live in London and it is very competitive environment where you have to be the hardest on the microphone so I just give it my whole and when I come here, I use the same mentality (he gives me a free style).
Q.When did you start rapping?
A. I started doing rap at a very young age. I would free style on Drake’s beats and my mother together with the people in the neighbourhood would cheer me up. They later pushed me to it and started supporting me.
Q.Who does the writing for you?
A.I write all my music.
Q. Who do you yearn to collaborate with?
A.Bebe Cool! I like his sound and everything he does is awesome.
Q.You did not mention his name among those that inspire you.
A. Because they are special. I cannot compare myself to those people but I can work with Bebe Cool. His song Wire Wire inspires me to collaborate with him.
Q.What is the story behind your song?
A.The one that was produced by Artin is a love song. It is about a beautiful girl that I had a crush on.
Q. What are those Challenges you have faced so far?
A.Opening people’s eyes to something new because people want to