‘Judas Iscariot’
I said this is the year that I was promised. We are already deep, into the long struggle. I will not be lenient this year. I will even mention names of those who have, stubbornly, refused to change. My friend: the world now wants good work.
I am going to hit themeven harder, this year. We are going to beat them 7-0, again. I am fired up and, inside their half; we are and are seriously passing the ball around,entertaining the crowds. They are chanting my name.
At the top of the tremendous lines I wrote the other day, was the strongest title ever, ‘the promised freedom’.Now, Inattentive people did not understand me. I need something and I will get it. Against all odds, these things will be attained.
I know that money that our country owns is misused but let me ignore that, as I continue liftingthose that are so ordinary, up.
We must aggressively look for all kinds of freedom that we were promised. I am still determined. I want your life to change. Some people have seen a lot in this world and now they virtually trust no one. They once smiled but now, look and see; they look too serious and rarely speak to anyone. Deep in them are wounds that may never heal.
Jesus Christ was crucified and laid to rest. His own people delivered him to his enemies. All the people, that are heartless today, once cared. They cried, and quarrelled, when they saw‘bossesoppressing me, and my poor friends. Aggrey Awori once boldly spoke for the voiceless, and the poverty stricken, here. Where is he now?
In fact Ken Lukyamuzi wanted to see us freed. Open his heart today. The oppressornow was once oppressed and he didn’t want it. He was always against it and vowed never to savagely treat me if he is given a business to run. Now, see: he steps upon the heads of those that he leads. Learn today, from me.
Some people are together and are happily doing business, together. Wait, when money starts rolling into that business! People change. Mansions are today full of sorrow because they are occupied by people who were,in the past, betrayed by the Judas Iscariots of this world.
This is the only paper that will save you from the chains that are now inflicting pain upon you. Promote what you do. Never be afraid to introduce to us the world what you can ably do. I thank you,Hajji Muhammad Lugoloobi. You understand the value of advertisement.
Now, hold this paper tightly my friend. I am about to completely change your life. I am going to open your eyes and never, again, will you get surprised if something uncommon, and so bad, happens to you. Musicians here hugely follow me and these people,infact, supply a lot of facts to me whenever I consult them.
In this industry, of music, things happen and almost no one in this country comes out to explain them. We rarely console those who are heart-broken.I am going to tell you this. Follow and see the lines below with all your eyes. This is my job. I am glad that I am saving people. A rich man is hard to control or imprison.
Now, who was right? Chagga and Jose Chameleone finally took different paths. The other prospered and this one, Chagga, almost reached the extent of eating dust. Suudi man dumped the highly talented Henry Tigan. Tigan immediately sank, like a stone.
We saw Buchaman, the other day, spitting dirty words, aimed at his former boss, Bobie Wine.
Nabbi Omukazi still complains. Pastor Iga, and the revival band, wasted a lot of her time, she says. Jeff Kiwa acted so dishonestlyagainst Radio and Weasle.
There is a Judas Iscariot, there and, if I didn’t pick up this pen to stop them, he was about to hand you over to your enemies. You must shed tears.
I am shocked. There is golden band and, the other side, the Nu eagles. Who knew such would ever happen? Stop sleeping. To acquire freedom, introduce the temple words to your colleagues. It’s aimless walking, if the walker ignores wisdom.In politics: Mbabazi, Museveni.
Contrary to what some of you think Serwadda Ssebuguzi and pastor Bugingo were once friends. They were once very open, to each other. Now see. The prayers one prays are, today, directed against the other one.
I will reveal so many secrets this year. I urge you to turn up, in huge numbers, whenever called upon. But now, keep watching,attentively!Judas Iscariot. They talk, and smile a lot!
Sekka Bagenda is a writer. An inspirational Public Speaker and a Sports Scientist
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