Life & Style
Sex with no strings Attached

Lovers in their free time
Friends with benefit is a very old adage, in the olden days, when the Persians used to rule this world, they had a name for it, they used to call it ‘mutaa’, this was a casual arrangement where two adults who were friends and physically attracted to one another agreed to have a sexual relationship, BUT strictly with “no-strings attached”. hope that father some people will not think of me as an advocate of immorality, but rather a factual guy who wishes to make sure that we behave even when we do our bad manners
This also meant that the two could have an open relationship where they agree that they could see other people and their only interest with each other is purely sex.
So these two adults would agree to meet and have sex, minus all the hassle and bustle of dating, attachment, love etc.
This kind of a relationship is not considered as dating. Many people are doing this secretly, but like all agreements there are things that one needs to take caution and here below are some
By Kim Kajumba