Back off Kadaga, MP tells PM Mbabazi

Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi is feuding with Speaker Kadaga
Mwiru was reacting to the recently publicised stand-off between Kadaga and Mbabazi saying Mbabazi should never expect the speaker, even though she is an NRM card carrying member, to bend to the NRM party during execution of her parliamentary duties. He stressed that Uganda is a multi-party democracy and therefore demands of the speaker to listen to all parties.
Mwiru described Mbabazi as a political trick-star who wants to attribute his failures, incompetence and weaknesses to the Speaker for purposes of winning favour from the appointing authority and NRM party leaders.
Kadaga is the NRM vice chairperson for Eastern region while Mbabazi is the NRM Secretary General.
“The problem is that the Prime Minister wants to direct the Speaker on how she should conduct her business in parliament which is in my view very absurd and unbecoming because not even himself would allow any one to usurp powers given to him by the constitution,” Mwiru said.
He says there is a parliamentary business committee comprising the speaker of parliament, the leader of government business, leader of opposition and other parliamentary commissioners where parliamentary business is discussed before a seating is convened.
“There is no way the speaker can frustrate government business on the floor yet everything is prepared by the leader of government business unless government is poorly represented on that committee,” the MP added.