Parents, private schools ‘culprits’ in cultural values erosion

State Minister for Culture Rukia Nakadaama with Uganda National Cultural Centre Board Chair Michael Odong at this years World Culture Day celebrations
Ministers for culture, 2015 at the National Theatre.
But the discourse for the day focusing on Uganda’s cultural norms and values, was less fun and more nostalgic as many people whined about the erosion of Uganda’s cultural values and norms.
For Rukia Nakadaama, the minister for culture, parents and private schools are prime culprits in behind the death of many of our cultural values and norms.
“Many parents erroneously believe that if a child can speak English so well even when they cannot speak their mother tongue, then that is a mark of brilliance. Such parents tend to encourage their children to embrace western values such as dressing and moral judgements,” said Nakadaama.
The minister blames private schools as well for being agents of westernisation but punishing children as young as three years for speaking their mother languages.