Aziz Azion beaten black and blue
The media fraternity in Uganda need to sharpen their eyes and ears. Grapevine panel has been waiting for sometime to see if any media house would release a report of why Azizi Azion was beaten black and blue after he was dragged off a stage at Pakalast restaurant in Makindye by what one organizer swore was a member from a notorious gang group.
This was in a show where a company called Jumba organized some sort of a workshop to teach the youth how to make money and create jobs.
After dragging him off the stage mid performance, Aziz was beaten up and robbed and he ended up spending some days in hospital but no one seems to have noticed.
Now, Aziz has acquired body guards that he has sworn never to leave behind while performing any where. Wamma Azizi, ‘okwelinda si buti’.