Government to award best teachers

Rosemary Nansubuga Sseninde, State Minister for Primary Education
Fifty primary teachers from five regions teaching in government schools in Uganda shall be awarded with different prizes ranging from land titles, cash in the 2nd National Primary Teachers’ Conference that is slated to take place between 5th and 7th of September in London College Saint Lawrence.
These first awards have targeted ten (10) teachers from each region of Western, Eastern, Northern, Southern and Central.
Addressing the press at the Uganda Media Centre on Monday this week, Rosemary Nansubuga Sseninde, State Minister for Primary Education said that the awarding has been done to motivate and encourage primary teachers.
“These teachers had a feeling that they had been forgotten that’s why we came up with this initiative. We want to show them that we recognize their importance and the great work they are doing in the community” she said.
According to Sseninde, out of the fifty teachers, the best five one per region shall be selected out of whom they shall select the overall best three.
“The overall best three shall receive land titles offered by Jomayi property consultants in different sizes ranging from (80 by 100 for the best), (70 by 100 for the second position) and (60 by 100 for the third position)” she said
She added that these teachers passed through a committee comprising of the members from the Uganda National Teachers’ Union (UNATU), District Education Officers, Chief Administrative Officers and other relevant stakeholders before reaching the National level.
“While submitting names, we demanded for the minutes that clearly show how these particular teachers had performed in this committee “she said
Dr. Jane Egau Okou, the Commissioner in charge of Teacher Education and Instruction, said that the selected teacher had to bear outstanding abilities in professionalism, teaching, learner development, school development and contribution to the community.
“This teacher had to uphold a professional teaching conduct, maintains good relationship with parents, demonstrates mastery in the subject she/he teaches and collaborates with colleagues in teaching and learning”
She added that, “This teacher also needed to promote school mission and vision, progress of leaner in attainment of learner’s outcome and inspire learner to learn and aim higher” she added.
According to Egau, even if the school does not perform well but when a certain teacher bears the abilities, she/ he were considered.