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Some effective ways to reduce water pollution and wastage

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Some effective ways to reduce water pollution and wastage

Plastic is one of the major water pollutants, yet it can stay for hundreds of years

Plastic is one of the major water pollutants, yet it can stay for hundreds of years

As technology advances and societal development gains momentum in the contemporary scenario, it is not hard to miss the after-effects of the current lifestyle which is contributing to the pollution of natural resources. One of the most alarming causes today is the incessant pollution of water bodies.

However, there are certain practices that we can adopt to reduce water pollution and restore this precious resource back to its formal glory:

  1. Avoid Plastic

Plastic is one of the biggest contributors to water pollution. It is impacting the natural temperature of the water and adversely affecting the marine life as well as its stability. Plastic has the ability to stay around for years at the end and a cleaner’s worst nightmare. Natural fibres can replace plastic for a more ecological decision.

  1. Recycle

Instead of throwing away the plastic bottles, papers, and many others, one can recycle these materials and contribute to ecological efficiency. This will prevent the outflow of non-degradable products and play an important role in diminishing the cause of erosion and pollution.

  1. Planting Trees

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, “Vegetation and plant debris slow surface runoff, encouraging sediment and sediment-bound contaminants to settle before entering surface water. Once in the soil, contaminants can be immobilized and transformed by soil microbes or taken up by vegetation. Groundwater flowing through the root zone is also filtered by these processes. Additionally, trees can trap windblown dust before it enters stream and lakes.”

  1. Use Water Sparingly

Via judicial usage of water, one can avoid runoffs and water contamination, while saving the resource at the same time. Sparing use of water will also reduce the investment in treatment which can further be used to improve methods treating water pollution in other domains.

  1. Reduce Pesticides

Though pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides are a boon for the agricultural community, they can wreak havoc on the water quality. These chemicals are absorbed by the soil and can seep into the groundwater and pollute it.

Proper Sewage & Waste Management

Industries and municipal corporations, before releasing the waste into the water bodies must mandate treatment and management to nullify the hazardous properties of the disposed of materials.

  1. Adopt Sustainable Practices

A dedicated subject called the Sustainable Water Resource Management helps understand the measures that can be adopted to reduce water pollution. However, domestically, curbing the amount waste let into the drains and pipes that connect to main water bodies can significantly cut down on the pollutants in the water.

  1. Water Saving Techniques

Water harvesting, drip irrigation, and other water saving techniques can reduce the usage of water which can save water as well as ensure clean water is available for several purposes. Water saving can also amp the water quality which can help in the natural cleansing system of the water bodies and let take nature charge of the pollution reduction.

  1. No Oil into Kitchen Sink

Oils are immiscible and form a thick layer over water which corrodes its nature to excruciating levels. A single act of pouring oil into the kitchen sink can amplify into long stretches of oil sheets on water bodies which can block the oxygen supply underneath the surface and also the penetration of the sun rays which is important for the growth of the underwater flora.

  1. No to Chemical Flushing

Chemicals have toxic elements that can depreciate the quality of water and make it unfit for any purpose. Not to mention, the presence of chemicals can also alter the pH balance in the water, which can either make it too acidic or too alkaline, affecting the marine life, the fauna and the flora that depends upon it for its survival.

  1. Avoid Littering

Littering is one of the biggest contributors to water pollution. From industrial wastes to domestic wastes as well as wastes as a product of religious beliefs, these contaminants are highly lethal for the water quality and the aquatic life.

  1. Reduce Domestic Chemicals

Soaps, detergents, phenyls, and many other domestic chemicals can be an added factor that gives ways to water pollution. Post usage, these chemicals find their way into the seas and lakes via drain pipes.

  1. Go Organic

Switch from plastic to cloth bags, natural fibers and other materials which are environmentally friendly and can be easily dissolved. By going organic, one can reduce the carbon footprint and also reduce water pollution.

  1. Conserve Water & Energy

Today technology though has been responsible for the amplified wastage is also looking for ways to curb the exponential wastage. Some of them are environmentally friendly appliances which deploys much less water, chemicals, and energy, making them sustainable as well as economically efficient. One such example is the foot powered washing machine that is portable and ecological.

  1. Check for Leaks, turn off the taps

One of the most commonly occurring issues in almost all houses and commercial properties is the leakage. However trivial it might seem, not mending it contributes to gallons of water wasted but also water pollution. When not in use, the taps are meant to be turned off as the water will run down streams with pollutants picked along the way.

  1. Don’t Waste

By not wasting water, we are paving a way for its conservation which can reduce the impact on foreign elements.

  1. Use When Needed

Water conserved is water saved. By being mindful of the domestic activities and the elements used, it is possible to shrink the mammoth issue of water pollution as less water means less chemically infused water released. This will also help save time and resources otherwise deployed during the treatment.

  1. Wash With Full Load

This tip offers a triple whammy as it reduced water pollution, wastage, and energy consumption. By using full load, there is less scope of water pollution as the activity of washing clothes is not repetitive unlike when the load is only half the potential.

Optimize Water Usage

By undertaking water saving techniques, one can reduce the amount of water wasted on mundane tasks and recycle it for further usage. For instance, instead of using a hose for car washing, one can use a bucket and wet cloth to wipe the water down.

  1. Steam the Food

Boiling vegetables or meat requires more water while on the other hand, steaming requires less quantity of water to prepare a meal. The Asian cuisines might have some water saving tips up its ante. Less water means less wastage and less runoff into the main water bodies.

  1. Efficient Disposal System

Try avoiding garbage disposal and sludge. In the case of solid wastes, collect the degradable ones and mix them together to make compost. This will not only avoid the sludge accumulation drained into the water bodies but also enrich the quality of soil and make it fertile. For the non-biodegradable objects, recycling is the best option.

  1. Reduce Food Wastage

Lots of water is leveraged to make food products, especially processed goods. The waste after the entire production is later released into the streams and lakes as a pollutant.

For details on Suzanne’s tips go to




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