Bukenya leads Retirement race. What did we tell you?
First things first: Bukenya did not say he was returning to the NRM. He said: ‘I am going to support President Museveni… and I am going to stand in Kakiri as an Independent’.
So why is the media telling a lie about a statement Bukenya made in broad daylight and in a cacophony of blaring music. Do they want to use the ‘bidongo’ as a defence? That the noise was too loud for them to hear properly what Bukenya actually said? But the video and audio recordings are very clear!
Anyway, let the doctor enjoy his journey into timed and timely retirement.
As for the other politicians we talked about two weeks ago in relation to strategic retirement, if Mugisha Muntu and Norbert Mao returned to follow Bukenya, is there any doubt they would be magnificently rewarded quietly or otherwise? So are they waiting for the trumpet?
In case you missed it, two weeks ago we wrote and unequivocally told you that today’s generation of politicians will be no more by 2021. Do you think we were joking? We went ahead and made a list of the politicians on the verge of extinction and that list included Dr Gilbert Bukenya, former Vice President, former anti-Musevenist, former TDA presidential aspirant, and former many others.
Former war-time British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill wrote: ‘Politics is not a game. It is an earnest business’. Now, when Bukenya was VP, he was doing ‘earnest business’. He even built a big ‘Kingdom’ hotel. He then joined Opposition and offered himself as a presidential aspirant but was not picked.
Left with a hotel that has failed to attract business from the NRM government, and no hope for a political future, why should he begin his predicted political retirement programme while in Opposition? Who can blame a man who read Churchill’s definition of politics and later on wrote his own Inside The intricate Corridors Of Power?
In the Bible, in the book of Psalm 115:5, it is written: ‘They have mouths, but they cannot speak; They have eyes, but they cannot see; They have ears, but they cannot hear; They have noses, but they cannot smell; They have hands, but they cannot feel; They have feet, but they cannot walk…’ As a strong catholic, Bukenya is very familiar with these verses of course.
Now we can respectfully wait to witness the exit of the other ‘wise ones’ as they prepare for their own retirement. What we aren’t sure about is the timing of the emerging politicians of the future except for one young man whose portraits have already been hanging in different towns of the country.
It’s a normal progression isn’t it? Look at it this way. In 1980 a young man called Yoweri Museveni waged a protracted campaign which led to the removal of the governments of Obote and Okello in 1986. Museveni didn’t win the presidency alone. He did it with the support of younger guys who included Besigye, Muntu, Tinyefuza, Mbabazi and many others.
Now, the above men want Museveni ‘to go’ and they also ‘eat’ before their time runs out. Unfortunately for them, it has been made abundantly clear that they stand no chance. That is why the wise ones are planning retirement from their politics careers.
Besigye had actually retired only to return for another go. We think, after the warning to crush the opposition, his exit might now come sooner than later.
But also, Besigye and Bukenya have already built themselves retirement homes and businesses. As for the others, we see reason for them to look for retirement packages.
What can a son of man do other than cutting his or her losses and running? Can you imagine the former VP turning around and asking ‘his children’ to give him another chance? He would even laugh at himself!
That said, Uganda’s taxpayers don’t owe politicians a living especially politicians who have done absolutely nothing to improve the quality of life of those majority taxpayers. Even if they didn’t retire, what can they ever say they did for the people to warrant ever being seen around in our lives?
That is why we have launched a campaign to call on all Ugandans, to identify people who want to change Uganda for the better, and for all. Ugandans must realize that 2021 is around the corner to risk their future.
The debates now as we go forward must be about encouraging today’s generation of politicians to seek retirement packages wherever they can find it, and they leave us in peace. Abantu Bakowu