Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is a corporate body responsible for regulation of civil aviation in Uganda. It manages Entebbe International Airport (EIA) and thirteen (13) other upcountry aerodromes. CAA carries out its work in conformity with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs). The Authority now plans to recruit suitably qualified Ugandans of impeccable integrity and commitment to fill the following positions in its establishment as detailed below:-
- JOB REF : CAA/ADV/EXT/03/2016
REPORTS TO : Director Safety, Security & Economic Regulation
AGE : Should be between 35 to 55 years of Age.
JOB PURPOSE : To manage the operation of Flight Safety Standards Department in the Directorate of Safety Security & Economic Regulation in accordance with the approved instructions, policies, regulations and directives to ensure safety of Civil Aviation operations in Uganda.
To ensure SARPs through the effective regulation of Flight operations, Air Worthiness and Licensing Standards.
- Input to Strategic Planning and Review
- Provides advice to the Director on all matters pertaining to Flight Safety Department.
- Organizes and prepares technical examinations and flight tests for Aircraft Airworthiness for Ugandan Airfields.
- Administers the issue and the renewal of Air Operators’ Certificate to all Ugandan Operators, premises, personnel, equipment and procedures both locally and abroad.
- Financial Management
- Flight Safety Standards operations
- Administers the issue and renewal of personnel licences, such as Pilots, licences etc, and other relevant certificates.
- Administers all flight inspections including the training of other inspectors and examiners.
- Administers the construction and amendment of instrument and flight procedures that guide aircraft landings and take-offs in Uganda’s airfields.
- Administers medical examinations of flight crew and all their tests and examinations.
- Human Resources Management
- Networks with and maintains regular contact with safety and regulatory departments of Civil Aviation Authorities of other countries and regions.
- Carries out any other lawful duties that may from time to time be assigned by the Director and/or Management
- A Master’s degree in Aeronautical/Aerospace or Communication Engineering from a recognized university;
- Eight (8) years relevant work experience in Civil or Military Aviation with increasing responsibility, three of which should have been at managerial level;
- A wide knowledge of International Civil Aviation operating safety and airworthiness requirements and of the national regulations.
- A Pilot with at least ATPL, Safety Oversight Inspections and Flight Operations Inspections training and experience
- A minimum of 5000 total flying hours
- Must have a minimum of 4 years at senior supervisory level in a civil aviation organization as principal Inspector
- A certified Flight Safety Inspector or certified Airworthiness Inspector with a minimum of 10 years working experience of which 4 years must be at a principal level.
- A relevant degree from a recognized and reputable organization will be an added advantage.
- Must be a seasoned People Manager with demonstrable prior experience and success in overseeing Staff productivity and Performance Management.
1) A Flight Examiner’s Course and an Instructor’s rating will be desirable
2) Must be computer literate
3) Should have demonstrated managerial skills
4) Should be well conversant with ICAO SARPs.
REPORTS TO : Principal Air Navigation Services Inspector.
AGE : Should be between 25 and 45 Years of age
* Carry out efficient and effective safety oversight activities of Meteorological Services for air navigation to ensure compliance with the Civil Aviation Regulations and Standards;
* Develop technical guidance material to enable effective implementation of Civil Aviation Regulations;
* Develop and Recommend changes to civil aviation legislation and regulations as may be appropriate.
- i) Provide technical specialist input to the review, development and amendment of the Uganda Civil Aviation Act, Regulations and Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) in respect of Annex 3;
- ii) Develop, review and provide technical guidance and interpretations regarding the application of the requirements/ standards of Annex 3;
iii) Liaise with the Meteorological service provider on regulatory matters associated with the provision of meteorological services;
- iv) Participate in analysis of ICAO State letters related to ICAO Annexes 3 and recommend appropriate action;
- v) Participate in the development of criteria, standards, guidelines and performance measures governing auditing, inspection, monitoring and evaluation with respect to meteorological services for air navigation;
- vi) Participate in the development of a program for audit, inspection and monitoring safety and regulatory oversight to assess compliance with provisions of Annex 3;
vii) Conduct regular audits and inspections to ensure compliance with the provision of Meteorological Services for air navigation;
viii) Participate in investigation of ATS incidents and report non-compliance with regulations and procedures;
- ix) Any other duties assigned by the immediate supervisor and/or Management from time to time.
- i) Possession of a Bachelor of Science degree in meteorology, atmospheric sciences or natural sciences; or
- ii) Possession of a Bachelors of Science degree in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics or electronic Engineering and post graduate diploma or Masters in meteorology.
Work experience of a minimum of 10 years in the provision of aeronautical Meteorological services with 5 years at supervisory level.
- i) Must have knowledge of the Civil Aviation Act, Civil Aviation Regulations and fully conversant with ICAO Annex 3: Meteorological service for international air navigation, ICAO Documents: Doc 8896 – Manual of Aeronautical Meteorological Practices, Doc 9323 – Manual of RVR Observing and Reporting practices, Doc 8937 – Manual of Automatic of Meteorological Observing System at Airports, Doc – 9377 – Manual of Coordination between ATS, AIS and Aeronautical Meteorological services, Doc 9817 – Manual of Low level wind shear, Doc 9873 – Manual of the quality system for the provision of meteorological Service for International Air Navigation;
- ii) Must have knowledge of Meteorological facilities available at aerodromes and forecast offices and provision of such services in air navigation;
iii) Comprehensive knowledge of Meteorological instruments, their use, application and calibration;
- iv) Comprehensive knowledge of Meteorologicalrequirements in Air Traffic services.
- a) The candidate should possess a high degree of integrity, be impartial in carrying out their tasks, tactful and able to relate with people.
- b) Good management, communication and interpersonal skills.
REPORTS TO :PrincipalFlight Operations Inspector
AGE : Should be between 28 to 40 years of Age.
JOB PURPOSE :The position exists to ensure progressive raising of the technical standards of private and professional flight crew through the implementation of the appropriate ICAO licensing standards and recommendations.
- Delivering In-Flight Flight Operation activities.
*Examines and reviews procedures submitted by operators on application for the issue or renewal of Air Operator’s Certificate.
* Approves operations and training manuals of air operators.
* Examines submitted manuals while referring to CAA and ICAO guidelines.
* Originates aeronautical information circulars and disseminates them.
* Flight tests pilots for the following:
* Issue of PPLs
* Issue of CPLs
* Instruments ratings
* Instructor and Assistant Instructor Ratings
*Type Ratings
* Flight Engineers licences
* Periodic Flight Tests
* Issues and renewals of Certificate of Airworthiness (Cs of As)
* Performance evaluations
* Conducts oral examinations for issuance and renewal of Instructor and Assistant Instructor Ratings.
* Checks and signs licenses plus validations.
* Administers Aviation Regulations with particular reference to Personnel Licensing, Flight Time Limitations, Displays and Air Rallies, Performance of Aircraft and Safety Equipment.
* Supervises flying club activities, agricultural aviation, parachuting clubs and Training Schools.
* Inspects Commercial Operators routinely.
* Maintains proficiency on relevant aircraft and technical proficiency on relevant aircraft.
* Flight tests for Certificate of Airworthiness .
* Develops instrument letdown procedures in conjunction with Principal Flight Operations Officer -Ground.
* Produces Flight Manual Performance Charts in consultation with Principal Flight Operations Officer -Ground.
*Produces Flight Safety Circulars in consultation with Principal Flight Operations Officer -Ground.
* Investigates breaches of Regulations.
* Flies the CAA aircraft on inspection visits, air navigation calibrations.
* Approves Operations Manuals and Load Sheet.
- An honours degree in Electronic, Electrical Engineering, or in ITand
- A Pilot with at least ATPL, safety oversight inspections and flight operations inspections training and experience and
- The license must be current and must have been a pilot in-command of at least one of the largest Aircraft on Uganda’s Civil Aircraft Register and
- A minimum of 3000 total flying hours in airline or civil aviation organization.
- Possession of a Flight Examiner’s Course and an Instructor’s rating will be desirable.
1) Must be computer literate.
2) Should be well conversant with relevant ICAO SARPs.
Frames and Power Plants
REPORTS TO: Principal Airworthiness Inspector -AF/PP
AGE : Should be between 28 to 40 years of Age.
JOB PURPOSE : Under the guidance of the PAWS to put in place mechanisms to ensure that all aircraft on the CAA register meet Airframe and Power Plants requirements for Airworthiness
- Surveys aircraft for renewal of certificate of airworthiness.
- Issues and renews approvals for aircraft maintenance, overhaul and repair organizations.
- Participates in the evaluation activities for the renewal of Air Operators Certificates.
- Participates in the development of a Uganda CAA Examination Avionics Examination bank.
- Develops and keeps record of airworthiness directives for small and large aircraft.
- Supervises subordinates, leads and develops subordinate staff.
- Conducts examinations for granting extension and validation of licenses for aircraft maintenance engineers and pilot ratings.
- Carries out any other lawful assignment allocated by the immediate Supervisor.
- An honoursBachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical, Electrical or Aeronautical Engineering OR
- An Aircraft Maintenance Engineer’s License in “A” and “C”, Airframe and power plants.
4 years’ experience in Aircraft and Power Engines Maintenance or Inspections in a reputable Civil Aviation or Airline.
1) Process aeronautical knowledge in areas that apply to aeroplane and helicopter aircraft categories.
2) Acquired skill as a pilot or aircraft maintenance engineer or air traffic controller or aviation qualification other than the above.
REPORTS TO : Principal Airworthiness Inspector – Avionics
AGE : Should be between 28 to 40 years of Age.
JOB PURPOSE :The position exists to set examinations and conduct surveys for avionics engineers/technicians and aircraft maintenance organization, respectively for the purpose of licensing them in accordance with ICAO and manufacturer’s standards in order to achieve the highest level of aircraft airworthiness and safety.
- Airworthiness Inspection
* Ensures safety of aircraft and passengers by monitoring aircraft airworthiness in areas of radio communication, navigation systems and tools, electronics and autopilot.
* Ensures that aircrafts using Uganda air are airworthy by having sound electronics system which meets specification of the manufacturer, and those of ICAO.
* Prepares certificates of airworthiness and associated flight manuals.
* Prepares AMEL examination papers, revises the existing papers as necessary and conducts complementary oral examinations where required.
* Issues, extends and renews aircraft maintenance engineers’ licenses and certificates of Airworthiness.
* Investigates and reports on aircraft accidents submitted by operators and prepares schedules for private aircraft.
* Coordinates with flight operation section in AOC certification process of new and existing operators.
* Enforces regulations by authority of relevant regulatory provisions.
* Conducts critical surveys of maintenance organizations in so far as the inspection and airworthiness of aircrafts concerned.
* Maintains close liaison with Quality Manager of approved firms regarding matters of airworthiness of aircraft and inspection staff approval.
*Renders advice when needed to the engineering staff of maintenance organizations and to owners of private aircraft.
* Processes applications for renewal of certificates of airworthiness.
* Inspects, periodically, aircraft maintained on a continuous overhaul basis.
*Issues permits to fly pending renewal of certificates
* Examines and reports upon local modifications preparatory to final approval.
* Investigates defects in airborne equipment and prepares defect report.
* Scrutinizes the work of individual licensed aircraft maintenance engineers and approved persons with particular reference to their inspection ability.
* Issues approvals to persons to work on aircraft and for certification in terms of the Regulations.
* Supervises the weighing of aircraft and approved weight schedules.
* Inspects periodically all companies’ refuelling equipment for serviceability and checks for contamination of fuel.
* Examines annual log books of private aircraft relating to the work required in terms of approved maintenance schedules and renews certificates of airworthiness.
* Approval of carriage of dangerous Goods by Air.
- Carries out any other lawful assignment allocated by the immediate Supervisor.
*The jobholder is cooperative and readily responds to any ad hoc tasks assigned to him.
1) An honours Degree in Mechanical, Electrical or Aeronautical Engineeringand
2) Aircraft Maintenance Engineer’s License in “A” & “C”, “X” and “R”
A minimum of 4 years’ experience in aircraft maintenance facility preferable in quality assurance and inspection
- Process aeronautical knowledge in areas that apply to aeroplane and helicopter aircraft categories.
- Acquired skill as a pilot or aircraft maintenance engineer or air traffic controller or aviation qualification other than the above.
Hand written applications with detailed CV and copies of academic certificates and transcripts with the job reference number clearly marked at the top left hand corner of the envelope should be sent to the address shown below. Please indicate your (day time) phone contact.
The Director Human Resource & Administration
Civil Aviation Authority Head Office, P.O. Box 5536 KAMPALA
To be received not later than 5:00 pm, 26th August, 2016
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
CAA is an equal opportunity employer.