Three Important men in Uganda

Bidandi Ssali
We are busy trotting to the moment that so many people in Uganda often wait for.
Some of you men are very new in this game called politics. You are the very people that I came for. You better listen and, call all those amateurs all around there and we give you tips. Pray that you don’t kick the ball into your own net next year and again in the year 2021.
I didn’t know that my voice was so strong and reaching so far until I discovered that Besigye’s men that wanted him in followed almost everything I wrote under my inspiration column during all the last three years of the Besigye strength. I have discovered a bad habit of, undermining people, amongst almost all the boys of PeoplePower.
So since this is the case, today I will write knowing that some wiseacres in the field of politics are not following. I will not be sounding bells to alert you people in politics. I already gave a very clear introduction and informed you that every week I will be here giving you tips on how an election can be won.
We are here to open your eyes and to say to you the mistakes one can make to lose an election. Regardless of the age you are today, you can triumph in 2021. So stop standing on pulpits informing us that in fact you will join the ranks of some of the youngest leaders in the world if we send you to the biggest office in the country in 2021. Young leaders have been around since the beginning of this world.
Jesus was young. He did wonders and we shall forever worship him. Youngmen have led and some messed up their countries. So be careful. Muammar Gaddaffi was less than thirty years when he became president in Libya.
Yahya Jammeh in Gambia was younger than most of you young men when he assumed power. Souley Abdoulaye in Nigerwas also a young man. Gnassingbe Eyadema in Togo was young. David Dacko, in Central African Republic, Jean Baptiste Bagaza in Burundi, Samuel Doe in Liberia, and Joseph Kabila in DRCwere all young men when they occupied houses similar to that in Entebbe in their countries.
There is nothing new young man. Humble yourself. Look for power just and concentrate on that only.Learn from these three important men. Each is now more than eighty years old. Ask why we still respect them yet they were in politics for so many years.One is still active and is perhaps the only reason why president Museveni can still win an election. These men are Bidandi Sali, Kintu Musoke and Kirunda Kivejinja.
It is a well known fact that these men were once business partners. It is known by all those that have been following the politics of this country that these peopleonce kept someone in power when they were still very young boys. They later used their brains and toppled more than one dictator in this country. Bidandi Sali, Kintu Musoke and Kirunda Kivejinja were staunch supporters of UgandaPeople’s Congress. We need their wisdom.

Al- Hajji Kirunda Kivejinja
I was still a very young boy at Makerere University and one on these men invited me to his Bukoto based modest looking house and gave me more than two hours of his vital time and listened to me and rendered tome deep wisdom that I even today use to beat my enemies and competitors very terribly, when they come, with their earthly weapons,to finishme.
It is very unfortunate that young politicians think that these men will look for them. No, theycan’t look for you. You need them. Wait, seeking for foreign guidance at this time is blundering. Look for the fatherly guidance from some of the few old men thatare still living today. They are among the very few men that you need to surround yourself with. Shouting herds of people, around you now, may not win you a vital election like the one we all eagerly wait for in 2021.
Along the road to 2021, I am seeing several old men full of wisdom you can consult before you wear your yellow or red gloves, to enter into the ring thatis already set ready for use, in 2021.
Who didn’t see Kintu Musoke and Bidandi Sali peacefully working together with president Museveni? These men are honest. It is believed that they began life with almost nothing and elevated themselves to power and fame and fortune while working with their hands. They looked for useful friends who later showed them how a country is served. Are you, seriously, loving this country?
You need these men and, before 2021 arrives, young man or woman, you must look for them and talk to them. One is still very close to president Museveni. And what’s wrong with that? You need Bidandi. You need Kintu Musoke otherwise, the climb is steep. You may face the greatest humiliation ever, in 2021. Yourenemies will laugh,and me too.