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Iran unveils opportunities for Ugandans


Iran unveils opportunities for Ugandans

Opportunities for Ugandans

The Iranian Cultural Counsel, under the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), has expressed willingness to foster development through supporting different projects and offering opportunities to Ugandans.

There are a number of opportunities at the Counsel in education, health and science which can be grabbed by Ugandans.

Muhammad Rezor Ghezelsofla, the Cultural Counselor made these remarks recently during the Peace and Unity Symposium at the Al-Mustafa Islamic College in Kampala.

“I personally have decided to be useful and fruitful to the beloved country Uganda because I feel myself as an African. My elder son is your son-in-law because he married a lady from Serie-Leone and the younger one Inshallah will also marry here,” he said, adding: “As a Counsel as well, we support any developmental cultural plan that is useful for the beloved country Uganda.”

Ghezelsofla said that the Counsel has already offered opportunities to a number of Ugandans in different fields.

“Many students are studying in Tehran in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Sociology. We also exchange journalists who go to Tehran to upgrade,” he said.

Currently, the Counsel is running a program through which five journalists will be given fully paid scholarships to upgrade in their profession in different Universities in Iran next year.

“We offer opportunities to Ugandans irrespective of the religions whether you are a Muslim or Christian, no difference. We trying hard to work with Ugandans and to be fruitful to them,” he added

Ghezelsofla said the Counsel had partnered with learning institutions including universities, colleges, and schools.

The Ministry of Tourism Wildlife and Antiquities, the Uganda National Cultural Centre (UNCC) and the Uganda Museum are among the institutions in Uganda the counsel works with.

The Symposium was organized by the Iranian Cultural Counsel in collaboration with Al-Mustafa Islamic college under the theme: Peace and Unity on Guidance of Divine Prophets.

He said that their tolerance and willingness to work with everyone aims at creating unity and peace in the world.

“Iran is an example of peace and unity. The constitution of Iran allows Christians to have their own Members of Parliament, own activities, freedom of worship and other obligatory rights and the Muslims likewise”

Ghezelsofla used this platform to condemn the western countries which he accused of fuelling religious differences in the Muslim community.

“Western countries have an agenda of destabilizing Iran because they see the country is growing in developments and because of this, they are trying to sabotage the beautiful image of Iran,” he added.

According to Ghezelsofla, western countries hate seeing development in African and Asian countries.

“They will give you gifts like motor cars but they will never give you technology for manufacturing them therefore when they see Iran having Nuclear energy, they are now waging a war against it but we are determined because we know our energy is not for bad intentions as they think,” he said.

Professor Edward Wamala of Makerere University said that there is need to address the issue of peace through different curriculum.

“We currently lack that specific course which addresses the issue of mutual judgment and understanding. You find people lacking that extra knowledge therefore we need a mindset change course unit because the war is started by a weak mind and can be stopped by a strong mind,” he said.



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