New Online Retailer Nofeka promises better service

Nofeka has built a team of trusted Boda Boda service providers for fast delivery of orders around Kampala and suburbs
Recently launched Ugandan online retailer Nofeka has promised to offer better services compared to the existing players in Uganda’s emerging online retail industry by ensuring timely delivery of orders and giving customers the exact products they order.
Why Now?
The founders of Nofeka argue they were motivated to venture into the industry due to overwhelming demand for goods by the public brought about by movement restrictions imposed by the government to control the spread of the COVID-19 flue pandemic.
Daniel Kiyega, Nofeka’s founder and CEO says they realised it was the right time to launch the online retailer that does deliveries to ease life for Ugandans mostly those affected by movement restrictions.
The retailer is operating through two platforms; A Nofeka App that is available on Google playstore and Apple store that can be downloaded onto mobile devices, and on the website at where you can place orders and have them delivered to your home at a small extra fee.
Kiyega says that payments can be made through MasterCard, PayPal, mobile money and cash on delivery as well for whatever products you may purchase.
Founded by award winning entrepreneur Daniel Kiyega says he commands experience in online retail industry following the success of his music equipment store for a number of years now.
Nofeka is already averaging 500 unique visits a day to its website hardly 3 weeks after its launch and it’s Facebook following has already topped 3000 followers signalling better days ahead.
With an offering of a wide range of products ranging from groceries, clothing to electronics, furniture and toiletries among others, the retailer’s founder Kiyega says they are targeting to have at least 10,000 orders a month in the first year of operations.
This, according to the firm’s projections will grow to 1 million orders a month 5 years down the road as they step out of Uganda into East Africa and Africa at large.
And as the world’s businesses shift to e-commerce something already taking shape in Uganda, Kiyega says he is positioning Nofeka to be one of the first movers in the retail space locally giving more established names like Jumia and Xente a run for their money plus later spreading out to the continent as the retailer finds its footing.