Cyclone Idai; an act of God, or that of Satan?
March 28, 2019The news coming in from Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe on the catastrophic effects of Cyclone Idai...
Recent repairs of Kampala sidewalks good, but….
March 14, 2019The on-going action by the Kampala City Council Authority (KCCA), to re-grade the kerbs of the...
With water, we should think beyond borders
March 8, 2019The Ministry of Water and Environment is scheduled to hold numerous events later this month on...
No need for hullabaloo about the curvy Ugandan women
February 25, 2019Uganda’s tourism has got an unexpected boost with the arrival of an unlikely source for...
What is the real matter going on at MTN?
February 25, 2019Yet another MTN executive was deported from Uganda. All we were told is that they have...
Kiwanda on curvy women as tourist attractions
February 8, 2019Curvaceous women are now targeted to become Uganda’s biggest tourist attraction after Tourism Minister of State,...
Muslims to Protest Police Brutality this Friday
January 15, 2019Muslims across the country have been asked to join in a peaceful national prayer session to...
prophetic panorama for 2019 including national and international predictions
January 4, 2019As I was praying on new year’s eve, spoke to me clearly and said, “I am...
An open letter to the Minister of Tourism
January 4, 2019Dear Hon. Kiwanda, Whilst I know that you have a cabinet minister above you in your...
KCCA thugs in overdrive to harass the hawkers
December 21, 2018Now that they have smelt that, Jenniffer Musisi Semakula has departed from Town Hall, the Kampala...