Tax us fine; but where are the services?
June 21, 2013Countries that have performed growth miracles in the last four decades, particularly the East Asian Tigers...
Why I no longer lose sleep over budget
June 14, 2013Uganda's budget has become a meaningless document containing promises that will never be fulfilled!At university where...
Economy won’t recover under this uncertainty
June 7, 2013Mr President, in February this year, I wrote in these very pages that your failure to...
Economy won’t recover under this uncertainty
June 6, 2013Mr President; why have you chosen a growth retarding path when it is you who had...
The next president might need more sympathy than votes!
May 25, 2013I warned you, Mr. President, against Bukenya; now I gather you are determined to take the...
Ugandans await Museveni’s guard of honour
May 18, 2013All leaders that left the stage at the right time enjoyed a guard of honour, not...
Uganda will definitely grow GM, why waste time?
May 13, 2013The story of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in Uganda is some version of teenage courtship. When...
Vision 2040: A dream without destiny
May 4, 2013No BIG PLAN will transform Uganda from a peasant to a modern country in the next...
Is Museveni’s vision still tenable?
April 13, 2013Mr. President, you have condemned our country to random and haphazard policies -- big government, small...
The legacy of the 27: The passing of Kategeya should offer a rude awakening to our bush-war heroes!
March 26, 2013On June 2, 2005, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and the Center for Strategic...