Government workers should be on limited contracts
A local TV station recently aired a story portraying corpses lying in the corridors of Mulago national referral hospital Turberculosis (TB) ward.
According to the story teller, the staff at the hospital are reluctant to execute their routine obligation to remove the dead bodies from the wards to the mortuary not because they are not paid what they work for but for the obvious reason of negligence.
However, employers/government should adopt a culture of issuing short tenure contracts for their workers which are reviewable.
If the workers in question perform to expectation then their contracts can be reviewd for those who cannot even lift a needle they should be sacked and give us a chance the unemployed to go and show what we can do.
This business of waiting to retire people when they clock 60 years has created inefficiency not only in government but with all salary earners.
Mugabi Dennis,
Kyebando Nsooba