Sheila Gashumba: A 1k padlock! is a no no no!
‘Haters just’ that is some line Gashumba will throw at anyone deemed to be beefing his girl – Sheila.
Hopefully he won’t throw it in Rafiki’s face after reading this.
But honestly Rafiki wonders why Sheila is such an attention seeker.
Recently where she had been attending the Africa Magic Music Awards.
She kept shouting about it and photographing every corner of her suitcase as if to collect enough evidence.
But wait why would Sheila who has never been needy, according to Gashumba Senior, buy a Chinese padlock to secure her luggage. Wouldn’t she have done a better job of buying a better padlock?
Sheila you should have known Chinese are not the best padlock makers.
Next time before you go for a shouting competition please you ought to know your worth and show some class if someone is gonna believe the vibe that your father [Gashumba] keeps throwing in our faces.