Sheebah to cough Ushs10m as a refund
Sheebah to refund
More than two months ago, Sheebah was given a heavy envelope that contained close to 10m Ugandan Shillings and the deal was that she was to perform in Kasese the following weekend, but alas to the surprise of the organizers of the show, Sheebah decided not to turn up despite the fact that she had eat en the money that she was given.
This caused the organizers to file their complaint in court and now Sheebah has been ordered to pay up 10m shillings and if she doesn’t comply, then the dreaded court brokers and bailiffs will be unleashed on her.
Now, Sheebah is in some kind of scare and the last time Rafiki saw her she was trying plead for some time to come up with the money and Rafiki also saw her begging the organizers not to unleash the dreaded Court brokers on her.
Rafiki is wondering how this could happen especially bearing in mind the fact that Sheebah is managed by the best manager we have in Uganda,s music industry Jeff Kiwanuka.