Jack Pemba gives 100m to boost local fashion awards
Okay, this must be a show of who is the real loaded guy here, recently Jack Pemba and recently loaded money bag Brian White went to the media each calling the other a ‘nobody’
Pemba went ahead and called Brian a young boy! And he is now proving that indeed Brian could be a very young boy when it comes to money issues!
Rafiki has learnt that our local fashion guru A.Bryan is a very happy man, this is after Jack Pemba gave him Ugsh 100m to help with the Fashion Awards that Bryan is preparing.
With this boost it is as if Jack is telling Brian White that when the big boys talk, he should keep quite. And if your Rafiki was Brian, I would not even dare to talk again, unless I am ready to beat Jack’s generosity, but even then, I would rather keep quite and keep my little money instead of trying to compete with someone who to him money is just papers, and for Jack……………indeed you have dime! Rafiki raises your hand as a winner even if the bout is not over yet!