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Did Sheila Gashumba receive a beating from father


Did Sheila Gashumba receive a beating from father

Socialite Sheilla Gashuma

Socialite Sheilla Gashuma

Mbu Socialite and NTV presenter, SheilaGashumba received a serious beating from her father renowned politician Frank Gashumba

Close sources told Rafiki that Sheila lied to her father mbu she was attending a party somewhere around Kampala  but after she left, somebody tipped her father that his daughter had been cited in Munyonyo in not so good company

Mbu when Frank reached Munyonyo, he found his  own daughter with some sugar daddy, mbu Frank was pissed so he picked his daughter, took her home and gave her a serious beating sources said.

Sources also confirmed to Rafiki said that after the beating Sheila got admitted at IHK hospital for treatment…… Whether this is true or not, Rafiki just wants to advise Sheila as a young Socialite that consorting with sugar daddies is no good for young ladies who want to make it to the top. Such goons will only pull you backwards



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