Kizza Besigye set for court as another activist goes missing

Dr. Kizza Besigye at Nagalama police station
Opposition leader Col Kizza Besigye will be charged Friday after he was arrested for unlawful assembly and inciting violence in the capital, Kampala, according to Ibin Ssenkunbi, Kampala police spokesman.
Police arrested former presidential candidate for the opposition Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) Kizza Besigye, Kampala Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago, parliamentarian Moses Kasibante and other opposition leaders for inciting violence aimed to create chaos in the city.
Ssenkunbi told VOA the leaders were arrested as part of a measure to prevent tension and chaos in the city.
“Depending on the investigations the arrested [leaders] are likely to be taken to court on Friday and those who would not be liable for charges would be released,” said Ssenkumbi.
In other news, Political activist Ms Juliet Nsiimye is reported to have fled the country last night. A source revealed that Ms . Juliet Nsiimye a reknown FDC (Forum for democratic change) moblizer is believed to have fled the country last night following reports that she was on security wanted list.
Ms. Nsiimye’s sibling who never wanted to reveal her identity in media explains that she had complained about threats from unknown security personels who also picked her up two months ago and questioned her with claims that she had links to ADF rebels.
However, another source also indicate that Nsiimye fled from her boyfriend, a one Joshua a army officer who issued life threats following the couples seperation. It is however understood that many Ugandans who support opposition political parties continue to be perscuted.